coco chanel
qotd: What does this mean to you?
6:20 PMI saw this quote days ago and it changed my whole out look on beauty. I was however stunned to see not many people respond to this so positively. People who are lazy are ugly? Poposterous! Not everyone can help their genetical handicaps; Is one way to interpret this but if you choose to spin this positively, that says alot about just who is validating your self worth.
Its easy to look at this quote and think that Chanel wanted everyone to look like her or the models who wore her clothes. I don't see it that way. I didn't always believe I was beautiful. I thought (and still do) that I had a huge nose, my smile was goofy looking, and my cheeks were too puffy. It was hard for me to accept it when people told me I was beautiful. I blamed my imperfections on my loneliness when in fact it was my negative perception of myself that drove people away. But when I started to care more about the little things: what I ate, what I used to wash my face, my hair, my body and most importantly my mind--there was a sudden turn around. Taking those tiny extra steps and seeing results, I was able to look myself and the mirror without makeup and say "I am gorgeous." You'll find that when can you say this, and even believe the same on your worst day, it is the most valuable opinion.

For those offended by this what exactly do you find offensive? That Coco Chanel believes that every woman in the world is (potentially) beautiful or that she finds the people who don't believe so lazy? Make piece with this: It is your responsibility to validate your beauty and self worth, no one else's. When you know you're beautiful, others will too.